Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brown Bag Lunch ~ AKA Sandwiches

Strawberry Cream Cheese Sandwich
* Whole Wheat Bread
* Sliced Strawberries
* Cream Cheese
* Honey
* grated orange zest
Mix cream cheese, honey, grated orange zest and spread on whole wheat bread. Layer with strawberries. Enjoy!!

PBJ & Banana
* Cinnamon Raisin Bread
* Peanut Butter
* Sliced Bananas
* Strawberry Jam
Spread peanut butter on one slice of bread, and jam on the other slice of bread. Layer bananas on the peanut butter and top with jam slice of bread. Yummy!

Tuna In A Pocket
* Pita Pocket Bread
* Tuna
* pecans
* mayo
* dash of dijon mustard
* finely diced carrot
* salt/pepper to taste
* Lettuce leaves
** other options include diced apples, celery, anything that you like in yor tuna. Line pita pocket with lettuce leaf, scoop in the tuna. umm. good!

Egg Salad
* boiled eggs
* chopped celery
* mayo
* dash of dijon mustard
* diced green onions
Assemble as a sandwich or serve on lettuce leaves

Cali Wraps
*Whole Wheat or your favorite tortilla wrap (I like the Spinach wraps)
* Cream Cheese
* Crisp bacon
* Sliced cucumber
* Avacado slices

Spread cream cheese on wrap and layer with ingredients, roll and secure with a toothpick.

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