1 box Jello Instant Vanilla Pudding Mix
1 box Jello Instant Cheesecake Pudding Mix
1 box Jello Instant White Chocolate Pudding Mix
1 small tub Kool Whip
1 package Vanilla Waffers
6 bananas
6 cups milk
Mix pudding with milk until it starts to thicken.
Blend in softened Kool Whip until smooth.
Place a layer of wafers in a large bowl.
Slice two bananas on top of wafers.
Pour a layer of pudding mix on top.
Repeat two more times
Top with crumbled wafers
Mamaw's Banana Pudding is the "HIT" of all family gatherings. It is so good,I think it was actually created by accident. She either bought the wrong pudding when she was making it one time, or that was all she had. Either way, she has to make it this way now...Everyone LOVES IT!!